Meet Miriam…
Now that you are here, I will help you navigate these waters as well, and find peace with food for the first time in your life.
My Journey
For over 50 years I have searched for a way to diet and be done. “Be done” are the operative words here. On a diet, off a diet. Restrict, binge, give up, repeat. I was constantly on a hamster wheel, going nowhere, as best I could and as fast as I could. I could never stop, and I could never let my guard down. I could never find peace with food.
Finally, well into my sixties, I learned about insulin and all about the influence that the food itself – wanting more and craving more and always hungry – has on my mind and body. While I successfully followed and taught and coached Keto for over three years, my life took a turn and I broadened my way of eating. I widened my scope to fit all eating styles, but concentrated on intuitive principles that help us find peace with food, and peace with ourselves.
I’m a wife, mother, and grandmother of two – and also a lifelong dieter. For years I was scolded by doctors and was never believed to be following diet advice – a horrible cycle that started when I was just 13 years old! What followed were 60 years of diets - some of them crazy, but none resulting in permanent weight loss because I never changed my mindset or respected the impact of the food I was eating.
My goal with my life’s work is to help you find some middle ground, eating in a way that melds with your lifestyle – no pills, shakes, gimmicks, weighing, or measuring – just eating in a healthy way that supports weight loss in a way that feels good to you.
I believe in KISS – Keep it Simple Sweetheart to tackle changes in your way of eating. Whatever eating style you choose, I offer unique ways to make decisions about your eating protocol and to make true lifestyle changes. One such way is to pour all my experience of being a belly dance teacher into methods to make your eating style a true way of life.
What is your dieting history? Can you relate to mine?
I made a list of dozens of diets that I followed from my teen years to the present, and by doing that I realized that I was never the one who failed the diet, it was the diet that failed me. I used to look at these attempts at diets as me being a failure. I have turned around my thinking to see that it was just a matter of not succeeding, and that some of these diets had built-in problems because of the foods and methods, no matter how well-intentioned they were. I no longer see myself as a failure, just attempts that did not work out, but which supplied the building blocks to bring me to where I am now.
I am sure you have heard some of Thomas Edison’s quotes, among them:
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won’t work.
Bless you, Mr. Edison. I see I am not a failure nor were my hundreds of attempts at dieting in the more than 60 years I have been making them. They were merely steppingstones to finding what works, and to help me grow and mature. What I learned from trying all these diets is that the answer is within me, and it is within you too.
It is not just a matter of the foods themselves that we choose to eat, but also the emotions and feelings we have behind eating those foods. I hope, with my help, you can learn a joyous and sustainable way of eating without weighing and measuring and tracking. Aren’t you ready for that?
I want to give back to people who share some of my dieting history by taking my coaching skills to the mat to help them turn around negative thinking – whether the thinking is about them, the way they eat, or any of the circumstances in their lives.
I work with clients to navigate the waters of what may be a new season in their lives. It could be downsizing and facing retirement or living with elderly parents while still having adult children in the house; it could be caring for grandchildren or cooking for other family members who are not following their same eating style. Whatever the story is, it can be a complicated one, especially when there are emotional issues and mindsets that keep us from following food protocols. Now that you are here, I will help you navigate these waters as well, and perhaps find peace with food for the first time in your life.
My most challenging client was, and still is, myself. But as I worked through many things, I realized that what I was learning and doing would hopefully help others who are looking for a way to lose weight that would work for them. I also wanted to be of sercice to women just like me. Please let me help you find the freedom you are looking for while finding peace with food and with yourself.
Because of my own personal journey - which I am still on, believe me, I am the person who can teach you to put one foot in front of the other, one meal at a time, one day at a time - no matter which food plan or style fits your life best.
This journey is how I got from there to here
Why I do it
You see these two children? This is my WHY. I owe them a fully present grandma who lives a fuller life than the one where I am always being locked up in diet prison and looking for my way out.
I do this to help YOU to unlock the prison doors and find a fuller and happier life for yourself.
Don’t you love when a child says, “You’re not the boss of me?” Stupid diet rules and unhealthy food choices will no longer be the boss of you.
My WHY is also so that I can enjoy my retirement years in my happy place. This is where I get to go everyday, even bundled up in the winter for a hot morning coffee. My husband and I have worked too hard not to enjoy these years in health, vitality, and happiness. We live a mile from the beach in one direction, and a mile from our daughter and grandchildren in the other direction.
Why on earth would I not want to eat well and take care of myself and my family? It was a long road to get to this point, but it’s possible and I want to share that with you!
Does this sound familar?
You can’t understand why you can be so successful in your life yet cannot crack the code of losing weight and keeping it off?
So tired of dieting and diet rules, and just want to eat “normally” and find peace with food?
Busier than ever and in a new season of her life? Are you retired and trying to settle into a (non)schedule? Are you a caregiver?
Perplexed because you seem to throw out good intentions, maybe by eating the leftovers off your grandchild’s plate?
If so…You have come to the right place
You can see from my journey that you are not alone.
I will travel your journey with you
Whatever eating style you choose, there are unique ways to make decisions about your eating protocol and to make true lifestyle changes. Subscribe to the Nourish and Nurture Newsletter (below) and get started with all my free bonus guides, and other gifts and specials that will come your way just for signing up. Also - never miss a new blog, recipe or podcast!
I can’t let you go without a few fun facts and pictures … It’s not all work and no play, you know.
Vinnie doing what Vinnie does best!
Belly dancing and showing off the great food at our restaurant.
DDPY - Diamond Dallas Page Yoga
Going to the beach, no matter how cold it is!
Turning 71!
My mom on her 90th birthday - going on to celebrate 14 more.
The day I got thrown out of the U.N. garden - but not before we got the picture
My daughter’s wedding in Certaldo, Italy.