Intuitive Keto

School of fish swimming around.

“Intuitive”Ways to do Keto

There are many ways to "do" keto. The "gold standard" is to consume no more than 20 grams of total carbohydrates a day. This is where the prison aspect of doing keto can come into play. There are, however, many ways to successfully follow keto on a more intuitive eating level.  

Here are just a few ways to eat Keto intuitively 


  • OMAD stands for One Meal a Day.

  • It is a type of intermittent fasting.

  • You consume one large meal.

  • Many people find success with this way of eating.

  • However, some people find that they cannot meet the nutritional needs of their bodies unless they truly gorge on fats and protein.

Yes/No List 

  • This is a list of allowed keto foods and not-allowed keto foods.

  • It is an easy and successful way to follow keto and low carb, as long as you are aware of the carbohydrates you are eating.

Lazy Keto 

  • Lazy Keto is, in a nutshell, keeping your carbohydrates to 20 grams or less, total or net, and just eating from Yes/No lists.

  • There is nothing wrong with this if you combine it with your hunger and satiety cues.

Fat Fasting

  • With fat fasting you eat when hungry, until full as often as necessary.

  • Do not have dairy (except for up to 3 TBS of heavy cream for your tea or coffee).

  • Do not have nuts during a fat fast

  • Fatty foods include eggs, bacon, salmon, sardines, avocado and olives.

  • See this source for full information.


  • Carnivore is eating only animal products and fat.

  • There are no plant products at all (except, usually, olives, olive oil, avocados and avocado oil).

  • Eating fat and protein is self-limiting when you tune in to your hunger cues.


  • These stand for Extended Fasting and Intermittent Fasting.

  • Intermittent Fasting (IF) could be 24 hours or less (with eating windows of 2 to 12 hours).

  • Under no circumstances should you do Extended Fasting EF without guidance and permission from your doctor.

Start with Keto if you have:

  • Any severe metabolic issue(s) such as

    • type 2 diabetes

    • PCOS

    • insulin resistance

    • fatty liver

  • An inflammatory condition such as

    • arthritis 

    • skin condition

    • inflammatory bowel disease

    • asthma

  • An autoimmune condition

    • Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis

    • Celiac Disease

    • Graves Disease

    • Alopecia Areata

  • A great deal of weight to lose

As these conditions subside or are healed you can add carbohydrates as you feel comfortable, bringing your food choices more in line with a low carbohydrate way of eating. 

End Your Keto Confusion by downloading your free guide here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, Intuitive Ways to do Keto, and I hope it will help you navigate your journey. Don't forget to subscribe to the mailing list (below) so that you don't miss the next blog! If you are interested in my course, Keto Fundamentals, please take a look at it here.


It’s the Food!


Fats Info for Keto